Long Black vs Americano: Which One is Right for You?

Long Black vs Americano: Are you craving some coffee but don’t know whether to choose a Long Black or an Americano? Both drinks can be incredibly satisfying based on your individual taste preferences, so in this blog post we’re going to dive deep into the differences between them. From how they’re made and what it tastes like, to finding out which one best suits your needs – by the end of it you’ll know precisely which one is right for you! So grab yourself a warm cup of joe and let’s get started – here’s everything you need to know about Long Blacks vs Americanos.

What is a Long Black and History?

A long black is a double shot of espresso, topped with hot water. This popular Australian and New Zealand beverage originated in the 1980s as an alternative to traditional filter coffee. It is considered a specialty drink due to its strong flavor and complex brewing process. The resulting beverage provides drinkers with a full-bodied cup of java, perfect for those looking for an extra boost of energy.

What is an Americano and History?

An Americano is a coffee drink made with espresso, hot water, and milk. It is typically served in a small cup with a sugar rim. The drink originated in Italy and was popularized in the United States in the 1950s. Americans affectionately call it “an Italian coffee.”

The Americano has its roots in the cortado, which was first introduced to Italy by Spanish immigrants in the early 1800s. The cortado was a coffee drink made with espresso and hot water. Italians adopted it and renamed it the Americano because of its similarity to the popular coffee drinks available back home in America. Americans embraced the Americano as their own because of its convenience – it can be prepared quickly using standard kitchen equipment.

The Americano has remained popular throughout the years because of its simple yet flavorful ingredients and its nostalgic appeal. It is often used as an alternative to more complex coffee drinks such as lattes or cappuccinos.

Differences Between Long Black vs Americano

Differences in Brewing process

The brewing process for a long black is more complex compared to an Americano. For the long black, you first need to create a double shot of espresso and then add hot water to the cup. Whereas, an Americano only requires one shot of espresso and hot water added on top.

Differences in Flavor profile

The flavor profile of a long black is more intense and bold compared to an Americano. The double shot of espresso in the long black creates a stronger, richer flavor that many coffee connoisseurs prefer. On the other hand, an Americano has a milder, slightly sweeter flavor due to its combination of espresso and hot water.

Differences in Caffeine content

The long black contains more caffeine than an Americano because of its double shot of espresso. It also has a greater concentration of coffee flavor, which makes it the ideal drink for those who need an extra kick in their day. An Americano is still quite strong but not as intense as a long black.

Differences in Water volume

The long black contains more water than an Americano due to the additional step of pouring hot water into the cup. The extra liquid dilutes the espresso, resulting in a less intense flavor than an Americano.

Differences in Brewing time

An Americano takes less time to make than a long black due to its simpler brewing process. As the Americano only requires one shot of espresso and hot water, it can be prepared in minutes. In comparison, a long black requires two shots of espresso and requires more time to brew due to the additional step of adding hot water into the cup.

Differences in Bitterness

The long black is more bitter than an Americano due to its double shot of espresso. The espresso in a long black has a greater concentration of coffee flavor and thus, has a more intense bitter taste than an Americano. An Americano has a milder and slightly sweeter taste due to its combination of espresso and hot water.

Differences in Aroma

There are a few key differences between the aromas of a Long Black coffee and an Americano. First, the Long Black typically has a more robust aroma than an Americano. Second, an Americano generally has a sweeter flavor than a Long Black. Finally, the coffee beans used to make an Americano are usually ground finer than those used to make a Long Black.

All of these factors can contribute to subtle differences in the aromas and flavors of these two coffee drinks. If you’re looking for something with a bit more oomph in the aroma department, go for a Long Black. If you prefer a sweeter cup of joe, go for an Americano.

Differences in Crema

The Long Black usually produces a thicker crema than an Americano due to its double shot of espresso. This is because the second shot of espresso creates more of the oils that contribute to crema. An Americano has a thinner crema because it only requires one shot of espresso.

Differences in Acidity

The Long Black is more acidic than an Americano due to its double shot of espresso. The double shot creates a greater concentration of coffee flavor, which can contribute to a higher level of acidity in the drink. An Americano has a milder flavor because it only requires one shot of espresso, resulting in less of the oils that add to its acidity.

Differences in Body

There are a few key differences between the body of a long black and an Americano. First, a long black is typically twice as strong as an Americano, which gives it a more robust flavor. Second, the body of a long black is also slightly sweeter than an Americano, which contributes to its overall taste. Lastly, the body of a long black is usually thicker than an Americano due to its double shot of espresso.

Coffee Beans Type for Long Black And Americano

Coffee beans are one of the most important and commonly consumed ingredients in the world. While there are many types of coffee, two of the most common are long black and Americano. Long black is a dark roast with a strong flavor, while Americano is a lighter roast with less flavor.

Coffee beans come from several different parts of the world, but the best beans are grown in Africa. The Arabica variety of coffee is prized for its high quality and intense flavor. However, due to climate changes and other factors, many countries have started growing other varieties of coffee beans, including Robusta and Sumatra.

For a Long Black, it’s best to use a darker roasted Arabica bean. The beans should have a strong aroma and intense flavor. For an Americano, it’s best to choose a lighter roasted Arabica bean with milder flavors and aromas. Robusta beans are also commonly used in Americanos due to their low acidity and slightly sweet flavor. Sumatra beans are also great for Americanos, as they have a smooth body and earthy notes.

Regardless of the type of coffee bean you choose for your Long Black or Americano, it’s important to make sure that the beans are freshly roasted and ground before use in order to get the most out of the flavor and aroma.

The Cost And Convenience Of Brewing Long Black And Americano

The cost and convenience of brewing Long Black coffee and Americano can vary, depending on the type of beans used in the coffee. Generally, Long Blacks are more expensive because they require a double shot of espresso, while Americanos typically only need one shot.

In terms of convenience, both types of coffees can be brewed quickly and easily at home with the right equipment. An espresso machine is ideal for making Long Blacks, while a pour-over coffee maker or French press can be used to make Americanos.

Which One Should You Choose?

At the end of the day, it all comes down to personal preference. Both Long Blacks and Americanos have their own unique characteristics that make them enjoyable drinks. If you prefer a strong, robust cup of coffee with intense flavor and aroma, then a Long Black is the way to go. However, if you’re looking for something with a milder flavor and less of an acidic aftertaste, then you should opt for an Americano. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which one suits your taste buds best!

When should you choose an Americano?

An Americano can be a great choice for those who enjoy a milder flavor, but still want the intensity of espresso-based drinks. It’s also ideal for people who may not be fond of overly acidic coffee flavors. Americanos are perfect for any time of day, and make for an excellent pick-me-up in the morning, afternoon or evening.

When should you choose a Long Black?

Long Blacks are great for those who enjoy a strong and robust flavor in their coffee. The double shot of espresso used to make the drink contributes to its intense aroma and flavor, as well as its higher caffeine content. These drinks are perfect for people who need a mid-day energy boost or for those who just enjoy the intense flavor of espresso.

How to Brewing the Perfect Long Black?

Step 1: Start by grinding fresh coffee beans for your Long Black. A medium or dark roast Arabica bean is ideal for making this drink.

Step 2: Place the ground coffee in an espresso machine and pull a double shot of espresso.

Step 3: Fill the cup with hot water. Make sure to leave enough room at the top of the cup for your espresso.

Step 4: Pour the double shot of espresso over the hot water and stir.

Step 5: Enjoy! Your Long Black is now ready to be enjoyed.

The perfect Long Black should have a deep, intense flavor with subtle notes of chocolate and caramel, as well as a creamy texture. The perfect Americano should have a smooth and balanced flavor with notes of nuttiness and sweetness, as well as a light body. Enjoy!

How to Brewing the Perfect Americano?

Step 1: Start by grinding fresh coffee beans for your Americano. A light roasted Arabica or Robusta bean is ideal for making this drink.

Step 2: Place the ground coffee in an espresso machine and pull a single shot of espresso.

Step 3: Fill the cup with hot water. Make sure to leave enough room at the top of the cup for your espresso.

Step 4: Pour the single shot of espresso over the hot water and stir.

Step 5: Enjoy! Your Americano is now ready to be enjoyed.

The perfect Americano should have a smooth, balanced flavor with subtle notes of nuttiness and sweetness, as well as a light body. Enjoy!

Making Long Blacks and Americanos is easy, and the drinks can be customized to suit individual tastes. Whether you choose a Long Black or an Americano, it’s sure to be a delicious cup of coffee that will give you that extra boost of energy you need to get through the day.

Tips for Brewing a Perfect Long Black And Americano:

-Always use fresh coffee beans, preferably ground just before brewing.

-Experiment with different types of coffee beans to find the flavor you enjoy.

-Use filtered water and make sure it is heated to the right temperature for optimum results.

-When preparing espresso shots, be sure to use the correct grind size and tamping pressure for the best extraction.

-Add your desired amount of hot water to the espresso shot and stir gently before drinking.

-Adjust the strength of your Long Black or Americano by using more or less espresso shots.

-When you find a combination you love, make sure to share it with others!

Add Flavor to Long Black And Americano:

There are a variety of ways to add flavor to Long Blacks and Americanos. Here are some ideas:

-Mix in flavored syrups such as chocolate, caramel or hazelnut for a sweet treat.

-Add a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg for an exotic twist.

-Try topping your drink with a dollop of whipped cream or a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar.

-Add some chopped nuts for crunch and extra flavor.

-Mix in a few drops of your favorite essential oil for an aromatic experience.

Benefits of Long Black And Americano vs Normal coffee

Long Blacks and Americanos provide a more intense flavor than regular brewed coffee, as well as a higher caffeine content. This makes them perfect for those looking for an extra energy boost during the day or a delicious pick-me-up in the evening. In addition, because of its espresso base, Long Blacks and Americanos have less acidity and bitterness than coffee, making them easier on the stomach. They also have fewer calories, so they can be enjoyed without worrying about added sugar or milk.

How to Store Coffee Beans?

Coffee beans are a valuable commodity, and it is important to take precautions to store them properly. If you don’t store your beans correctly, they can go bad and lose their flavor and aroma. Here are some tips on how to store coffee beans:

1. Keep your beans in a cool, dry place. Coffee beans will stay fresh longest if they’re stored in a cool, dry location. Avoid storing them in the refrigerator or freezer, as these temperatures can damage the beans.

2. Store your beans in an airtight container. Be sure to use an airtight container so that moisture cannot enter the beans and cause them to spoil. An airtight container also helps protect the flavor and aroma of your beans.

3. Use a vacuum sealer to keep your beans fresh. A vacuum sealer will help prevent moisture from entering the bean and spoiling it prematurely.

4. Store your beans away from strong odors. Coffee beans can absorb strong scents, so it is important to keep them away from areas with potent smells, such as garlic or onions.

5. Replace your coffee beans every two weeks. If you are using pre-ground coffee, buy small bags and replace them often to ensure the flavor is always at its best. If you are grinding your own beans, use them within a week of grinding for optimal flavor.


When it comes to coffee, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. For example, some people may be able to drink a long black without feeling the caffeine kick, while others may need a bit more for an energizing morning boost. However, most coffee brands have listed the amount of caffeine in their products on their labels.

For example, Starbucks Long Black has about 95 milligrams of caffeine per fluid ounce, which is about the same as a cup of regular coffee. Dunkin’ Donuts Long Black has about 98 milligrams per fluid ounce and Caribou Coffee’s iced long black has about 102 milligrams per fluid ounce. So, if you’re looking for a strong caffeine hit, these are probably not the best choices.

There is no one answer to this question, as it can vary depending on where you are from. However, the most common explanation is that Americano is simply a shortened form of “americano,” which means “from America.” So, black coffee with espresso (or any other type of coffee) in it is typically called an Americano.

Another theory behind its name is that Americanos were originally served with milk in them to make them more like cafe au lait (a French hot drink). Hence, the addition of milk made the drink an “american” version of espresso.

When it comes to coffee, many people might be confused about the difference between an Americano and a long black. Both beverages are espresso based, but there are some key distinctions that set them apart.

For one, an Americano is typically less than half the size of a long black. Additionally, an Americano usually uses slightly more milk than a long black, resulting in a sweeter flavor. Finally, an Americano is also served with less froth than a long black, providing a drier finish.

So while they may look similar on the surface, these two coffee drinks offer distinctly different experiences that should be considered when ordering them.

There is a lot of debate surrounding the strongest coffee. Some people believe that espresso is the strongest coffee, while others believe that long black is the strongest. However, no one can really know for sure which coffee is truly the strongest.

What we do know is that espresso and long black are both strong coffees. In fact, they are both rated at around 100 to 105 degrees Celsius (212 to 221 degrees Fahrenheit). This means that they contain a high amount of caffeine.

Depending on your preference, either coffee could be considered the strongest. If you enjoy a strong caffeine kick, then espresso would likely be your cup of choice. However, if you prefer less bitterness and more flavor in your coffee, then long black might be better suited for you

The Americano is a popular coffee drink that is made with espresso, hot water and steamed milk. It is said to be stronger than the long black, which is made with black coffee, hot water and unsweetened condensed milk. Some people believe that the Americano is stronger than the long black, while others say that the two drinks are about equal in strength. It may be difficult to determine which drink is stronger based on its ingredients alone, but those who have tried both will probably have a preference for one over the other.

When it comes to coffee, there are many types and flavors to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a strong cup of joe or a smooth cappuccino, there is sure to be a flavor that fits your needs. However, one thing that most people don’t realize is how many shots of coffee are in a long black.

A long black is typically defined as three shots of espresso in a single cup. So, if you’re looking for an equivalent amount of coffee in other drinks, like tea or soda, you’ll need to multiply the number of shots by the drink’s respective size. For example, if you want two cups of tea with four shots of espresso each, you would need eight shots total.

While this may seem like an daunting task at first, it’s actually pretty easy to figure out how many shots are in different drinks. Simply divide the amount of liquid by the number of shots needed to make that liquid. So if you want two cups of coffee with four shots each, divide the amount of coffee by four and you will get 2 divided by 4 which equals 1 shot per cup.

Stirring a long black coffee is a common task for many coffee drinkers. The purpose of stirring is to distribute the heat evenly throughout the drink, and to prevent clumps from forming. It is important to use the right technique when stirring a long black, in order to achieve the desired results.

The most common way to stir a long black is by using two spoons. One spoon is used to stir the coffee while the other spoon rest above it, allowing the heat from the stirring spoon to cook the coffee. Stirring should be done quickly and constantly in order to avoid oversteaming or burning the coffee. Over-stirring can also create foamy layers in your drink which can be unpleasant to drink.

If you find that your pot of coffee is not dissolving properly, it may be necessary to add more water before stirring. Be careful not to add too much water, as this will dilute the flavor of your drink and could result in an unwanted cup of herbal tea.

How much water is in a long black?

When it comes to water, there are a few things you should know. First, one liter of water weighs about one kilogram. Second, one liter of water occupies about 1 cubic meter in volume. Finally, one litre of water has about 1000 milliliters (about 3 cups) in it.

So how much water is in a long black? That’s a difficult question to answer without more information. For instance, the long black may be made of coffee, so the coffee itself might contain some water. Additionally, if the coffee is ground very fine, then more water could be dissolved into it and would therefore weigh more than when it is not ground as finely.

So we can only give an estimate – somewhere between 8 and 12 ounces (225 to 350 milliliters) of coffee will contain around 160 to 280 milliliters (6 and 10 cups) of water.

When ordering an Americano at a café or restaurant, many customers choose to add sugar. There is no right or wrong answer – it all comes down to personal preference. Some people like their Americanos sweet, while others prefer them with just a touch of sweetness. Adding sugar to your coffee is also a way to customize the flavor andintensity of the drink.


Overall, Long Blacks and Americanos are delicious and convenient drinks that can be enjoyed any time of day! Whether you’re looking for an energy boost in the morning or a relaxing pick-me-up in the evening, these drinks are sure to hit the spot. So go ahead and try one today!

Enjoy your perfect cup of Long Black and Americano!

Happy Brewing!



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